Improve local SEO with Google Business

Erfahre, wie du mit Google Business dein lokales SEO verbessern und mehr Kunden gewinnen kannst.
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5 mins

Viele Unternehmerinnen und Unternehmer sind mit der Auffindbarkeit ihres Unternehmens auf Google unzufrieden. Aus diesem Grund steht bei vielen Unternehmen die Suchmaschinenoptimierung (SEO) der eigenen Webseite ganz oben auf der Prioritätenliste. Das grosse Ziel: höher auf Google ranken, um mehr Traffic auf die eigene Webseite zu locken, und dadurch mehr Kunden zu gewinnen.

Die Realisierung einer umfassenden SEO-Strategie ist jedoch eine komplexe Angelegenheit. On- & Off-Page SEO, Keyword Finding, technisches SEO und viele weitere Komponenten beeinflussen den Suchrang einer Webseite auf Google. Aufgrund der hohen Komplexität lagern viele Schweizer KMUs SEO Angelegenheiten an eine Web-Agentur aus, die das notwendige Know-How und die Software bereits mitbringt.

Trotzdem kann ein Unternehmen auch ohne grosse Investitionen und ohne spezifisches SEO Know-how mit ein paar einfach Tipps und Tricks den Suchrang auf Google nachhaltig verbessern. Eine Möglichkeit dazu ist die Einrichtung von Google Business.

The most important things in brief

1. Google Business verbessert Sichtbarkeit: Ein Google Business Account erhöht die Sichtbarkeit von Unternehmen auf Google und Google Maps, was zu mehr Traffic und potenziellen Kunden führt.

2. Optimierung durch Keywords und Bewertungen: Die gezielte Nutzung von relevanten Keywords im Profil und das Sammeln positiver Bewertungen steigern die Relevanz und Platzierung in den Suchergebnissen.

3. Vollständiges Profil ist entscheidend: Ein vollständig ausgefülltes Google Business Profil hilft dem Algorithmus, das Unternehmen besser einzuordnen und relevanter darzustellen.

Table of contents

Many entrepreneurs are dissatisfied with how their company can be found on Google. For this reason, search engine optimization (SEO) of their own website is at the top of the list of priorities for many companies. The big goal: rank higher on Google in order to attract more traffic to your own website and thus gain more customers.

However, implementing a comprehensive SEO strategy is a complex matter. On- & off-page SEO, keyword finding, technical SEO and many other components influence the search rank of a website on Google. Due to the high level of complexity, many Swiss SMEs outsource SEO matters to a web agency that already has the necessary know-how and software.

Nevertheless, even without major investments and without specific SEO know-how, a company can sustainably improve its search rank on Google with a few simple tips and tricks. One way to do this is to set up Google Business.

What is Google Business?

Google Business was launched by Google in 2014. The idea is to make companies more visible and easy to integrate with Google Maps and Google Search. Google Business is therefore not simply a business listing, but also helps companies to be found more easily on Google and Google Maps.

The Google Business entry of a registered company automatically appears on Google Maps when you enter a relevant search or directly on the right side of the search screen when you enter the company name. The entry allows you to access the company's website with just one click, navigate a route to the location via Google Maps or call directly via telephone.

In addition, customer reviews, opening hours, offers and online appointments can be linked so that potential customers can get in touch with the company even more easily and find the desired information faster.

The best thing about the whole thing: Registering a business on Google Business is completely free.

How do I create a Google Business account?

You can easily create a Google Business account via this link carry out.

The only requirement for registering a new company is an existing Google account, with which the Google Business business entry can be linked. If you don't have a Google account yet, you can easily do this via this link: Google Business.

It is also important to mention that visitors to the Google Business entry cannot see which Google account the company is linked to.

4 tricks to optimize Google Business?

Use 1-3 keywords in the title

Let's assume that your company is called “Webfantasie” and works as an SEO agency in the Zurich area. So that you can now be found well on Google, you must first determine which search words (keywords) you want to be found on Google in the first place. Let's say you choose the three keywords “SEO,” “agency,” and “Zurich.” This would suggest the following title on Google Business: “Web Fantasy — SEO Web Agency in Zurich”.

Use 1-3 keywords in the description

The 1-3 selected keywords should not only be used in the title, but should also appear (albeit in a different order) at least once in the description. The 1-3 keywords should not be repeated too often, as this could be considered spamming by Google search engines. Using each keyword once in the description is completely sufficient.

Get more Google reviews

The more reviews your company has on Google Business, the more relevant Google ranks your company when searching for it. We definitely do not recommend buying or falsifying reviews. However, it makes sense to ask existing customers whether they would like to leave a positive review on Google. It is recommended to let the reviewer know that, if possible, they will also include 1-3 relevant keywords in the description. The Google algorithm regards the use of relevant keywords in a review as an additional positive signal of the relevance of your company and allows it to rank even higher on Google.

Complete profile

The more information Google has available about your company, the better the algorithm can match search queries to your company. For this reason, it is crucial that all available information about your company is stored in the Google Business Account.

Google Business is a simple and cost-effective way to increase your company's visibility on Google and thus attract more traffic and potential customers. Nevertheless, Google Business is only a small part of a successful SEO strategy and for sustainably improved results, it is necessary to call in a professional web agency such as Beyondweb GmbH unavoidable.

However, we recommend that entrepreneurs set up a Google Business account today rather than tomorrow in order to fully exploit the potential of their company online.

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Article written by
Ato Herzig
Ato Herzig ist Mitgründer der Beyondweb GmbH und Experte in den Bereichen Webdesign, SEO und Online-Skalierung im B2B-Bereich. Durch einen Management Masterabschluss von der Universität St. Gallen (HSG) verfügt über fundiertes Business Know-how, wodurch er bereits zahlreichen Unternehmen helfen konnte ihr digitales Umsatzpotenzial zu realisieren.

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