5 simple tips for faster load times

Optimieren Sie Ihre Webseiten-Ladezeiten mit einfachen Tipps für bessere Rankings und höhere Konversions.
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3 mins

Schnelle Ladezeiten spielen eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Suchmaschinenoptimierung (SEO). Google bezieht seit 2010 die Ladezeiten von Webseiten für das Ranking von Suchergebnissen mitein. Langsame Ladezeiten führen aber nicht nur zu weniger organischen Webseitenbesuchern, sondern ebenso zu weniger Konversionen. Aktuellen Daten zeigen, dass eine zusätzliche Sekunde bei der Ladezeit zu einem Verlust von bis zu 7% Konversionen führen kann.

In diesem Blogartikel erfährst du, wie du die Ladezeiten deiner Webseite mit ein paar einfachen Tricks substanziell verbessern kannst, um den Suchrang deiner Webseite zu verbessern und mehr Konversionen zu erzielen.

The most important things in brief

1. Bilder komprimieren: Reduziert die Ladezeiten erheblich.

2. Unbenutzte Plugins deaktivieren: Verbessert die Performance der Website.

3. Regelmässige Softwareupdates: Hält die Website schnell und sicher.

Table of contents

Fast load times play a crucial role in search engine optimization (SEO). Google has been buying since 2010 Include the loading times of websites to rank search results. However, slow loading times not only lead to fewer organic website visitors, but also to fewer conversions. Current data shows that an extra second in load time results in a loss of up to 7% conversions can lead.

In this blog article, you'll learn how you can significantly improve your website's load times with a few simple tricks to improve your website's search rank and get more conversions.

Compress images

One of the easiest ways to optimize the loading times of your own website is by compressing the image files used. Professional image files often have a high resolution and a wide range of colors. Accordingly, these image files are often large (>20 MB). With free JPG or PNG compressors The size of large image files can be reduced by up to 80% in just a few seconds. Using compressed image files can cause Reduce website load times by over 50%.

Deactivate unused plugins

WordPress websites in particular often use various plugins in the background. Plugins are often very useful and essential tools for adding necessary features and functions. However, it is important to make sure that all unused plugins are deactivated, as they are the Can significantly slow down the loading times of your own website.

Regular software updates

Regular WordPress software updates are also essential for a perfectly functioning and fast-loading website. As a website owner, you or your web designer are responsible for always keeping your WordPress website, theme, and plugins up to date. If the updates aren't installed regularly, your site can become slow and unreliable and also vulnerable to cyber attacks.

No direct video uploads

Videos are a great way to reach out to users on your website and get a high level of engagement. However, you should avoid uploading the large video files directly to the website, but rather using a video platform such as YouTube or SoundCloud Make and then create a link. This saves bandwidth, makes backups easier and allows the website not to lose any loading speed despite integrated videos.

Use speed-optimized themes

Many WordPress websites are based on ready-made themes. When choosing themes, the code and its effects on the loading times of the website should also be evaluated. There are also visually appealing themes, which can have a correspondingly negative effect on loading times due to redundant code. As a rule of thumb, when choosing templates, it's better to choose a simple theme than one with complex layouts, eye-catching animations, and other “unnecessary” features. The mentioned features can be added at any time later with high-quality WordPress plugins.

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Article written by
Ato Herzig
Ato Herzig ist Mitgründer der Beyondweb GmbH und Experte in den Bereichen Webdesign, SEO und Online-Skalierung im B2B-Bereich. Durch einen Management Masterabschluss von der Universität St. Gallen (HSG) verfügt über fundiertes Business Know-how, wodurch er bereits zahlreichen Unternehmen helfen konnte ihr digitales Umsatzpotenzial zu realisieren.

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