With the help of effective web design & search engines optimization (SEO), let's leave your website for you Attract customers.

web design





Hardly any visitors
You've already invested a website and maybe a lot of money in web designers and agencies, but you barely get any visitors and inquiries?
Your VISITORS don't buy anything
Does your website not reflect your company correctly? Are there a lack of services and the website needs of your customers are being missed?
You can only customize your web content partially or not at all. Each change costs money and does it take weeks to implement them?
Don't worry, we have die Lösung
Mit unseren nutzerzentrierten Webdesigns und effektiver Suchmaschinenoptimierung (SEO) gewinnst du Neukunden online.
Eine massgeschneidertes Design, dass dein Unternehmen reflektiert und sich deine Zielgruppe abgeholt fühlt.
Unsere Websites sind auf Basis der Open-Source-Software WordPress gebaut, wodurch Inhalte kinderleicht anpassbar sind.
Our web design agency has already created numerous corporate websites in the areas of web development and online marketing. Here is a foretaste of what to expect from your online project.
Through a targeted redesign of the website and conversion rate optimization (CRO) with artificial intelligence, we increased the visual attention of the call-to-actions (CTAs) of the Mamimoves yoga platform by 30%.

With the redesign of Perron's website, we increased Google clicks to over 800 per month and increased online bookings by 15%.

Through a targeted redesign of the website and conversion rate optimization (CRO) with artificial intelligence, we increased the visual attention of the call-to-actions (CTAs) of the Mamimoves yoga platform by 30%.

With the digital realignment of consulting firm HERZKA, we increased online leads by 312% and thus sustainably strengthened our digital market positioning.

Through a performance-oriented redesign, Bedachungs AG achieves 254% more online leads and 386% more website traffic, positioning itself as a digital market leader in the industry.

A targeted redesign with a dynamic retailer search for 180+ partners and a strong brand identity put the company on the digital podium.

From a local vape shop to a digital vape paradise: The vape shop Gubrist improved its Google ranking from 30th to 1st place in 6 months thanks to a new corporate identity (CI), a redesign of the website and strategic on-page optimizations.

Websites erstellen ist unsere Leidenschaft
Bereits seit über 7 Jahren beschäftigen wir uns mit den Themen Webdesign und SEO. Es ist unsere Leidenschaft das Beste aus den Websites unserer Kunden herauszuholen und diese bei ihrer digitalen Expansionsphase zu begleiten.
Heute darf unser Team Startups und KMU in der ganzen Schweiz in unterschiedlichsten Branchen wie E-commerce, Gastronomie, Energie, Handewerk und Gesundheitsbranche betreuen.
Spezialisiert auf KMU
Unsere Agentur in Zug ist darauf spezialisiert, KMU-Unternehmen in der Schweiz mit qualitativ hochwertigen Dienstleistungen in den Bereichen Webdesign und SEO zu unterstützen.
Unser Ziel ist es, dass du durch die Erstellung einer Website von Beyondweb, bei deiner Zielgruppe Vertrauen schaffen kannst und über effektive SEO lokale oder nationale Sichtbarkeit generierst.
Team in Zug
Unser Team im Zug besteht aus 4 erfahrenen Webdesignern, Entwicklern und Strategen, die ihr Augenmerk nicht nur auf die ästhetische Gestaltung legen, sondern auch Aspekte wie Benutzerfreundlichkeit, Verkaufspsychologie, Conversion Rate Optimierung (CRO), responsive Webdesign und Suchmaschinenoptimierung (SEO) berücksichtigen.
Umfassende Betreuung
Wir betreuen deine Webseitenerstellung von Anfang bis Ende.
Das heisst von der Strategie- und Konzeptphase bis zum Go-Live sind wir immer an deiner Seite.
Auch nach der Liveschaltung betreuen wir deine Website weiter und sorgen dafür, dass diese immer up-to-date bleibt und den aktuellen Sicherheitsstandards entspricht.
Get Advice from
Not only do first-class designers and techies from all over the world work for us, but also smart business minds. Since our founding team brings a lot of business know-how, our growth agency attaches particular importance to ensuring that projects pay off financially for our customers.

Ex-Fintech Consultant & HSG Master

Ex-Accenture Consultant,
Data Sciences Master














MORE Happy Customers
In order to ensure tailor-made solutions and maximum customer satisfaction, we manage a maximum of 10 customer projects at the same time. Due to the high workload, we can currently only accept a maximum of one new customer per month.
A process designed for your growth


Compared to traditional web agencies, we offer more cost transparency & minimize financial risk for our customers.
Classic web agencies charge on an hourly basis and send you an invoice for the number of hours worked. At the beginning, an estimate of the expenditure is carried out, where Each overtime is charged additionally.
At Beyondweb, we take a different approach. All our projects are fixed prices. No estimates, no potential additional costs, The price is 100% calculable for both parties from the start.
In addition, we give SEO projects (if possible) a guarantee of success.
This means that if the KPIs set at the beginning are not achieved within the time frame, 100% of the financial risk lies with us. We are committed to working for you (at no additional cost) until the specified KPIs are achieved.
What costs do I have to expect for website creation?
The cost of a website depends on your ambitions, complexity, design and size. At our agency, a simple company website with 3-4 pages, based on a personalized theme, costs Starting at 5,000 CHF.
Prices start for slightly larger websites with individual design requirements starting at 8'500 CHF.
Prices start for small SEO-optimized online shops, implemented on WooCommerce or Shopify starting at 8'500 CHF.
Why are you more expensive than other web design agencies?
We live in an age where everything is geared towards speed and efficiency, but quality falls by the wayside. For example, there are now AI web designers who promise to create entire websites within 5 minutes. There are also numerous web design providers in Switzerland who, with clumsy templates, offer websites for a few hundred francs.
We do not condemn this, because such web solutions have their right to exist and can be absolutely useful in certain cases. Especially when the budget is tight and the importance of the website for the company is limited.
However, we have different demands on our projects. Our websites are intended to solve problems for our customers. And if a website is supposed to solve a problem, then AI (as of 2024) or a website template is not enough. When design is supposed to solve a business problem, strategy comes into play.
Designing an appealing website isn't difficult. There are web designers on Fiverr who do this for a fraction of the money of any web design agency in Switzerland. BUT... it is much more difficult to design a web design in such a way that it solves a company's strategic goal/problem.
Before we start designing something, we focus on strategy. It's about that WHY and FOR WHOM. Only when these questions have been clarified will it be about design.
That is why our websites are more expensive because they solve a problem and are not a standard business card.
Why should I invest money in a website?
It doesn't always make sense to invest money in a website.
Here are a few reasons why it could definitely pay off financially:
trust: A professional website (including responsive web design) creates trust. Numerous studies have shown this. Half-hearted or not professionally executed designs can reduce trust among potential customers and partners.
visibility: An SEO-optimized website increases the visibility of your own offer for potential prospects. SEO can be decisive in online marketing.
Brand value: A website that arranges texts, images, fonts and graphic elements in such a way that the brand is recognizable can increase brand value. Even today, the website is still the only “channel” where an online experience can be created without restrictions, without being narrowed down to a specific scheme (such as on social media platforms).
WAS KOSTEn Hosting, Wartung & Support?
Wir sind Partner von Kinsta. Alle neuen Websites werden bei uns auf Kinsta gehostet. Kinsta bietet Top-CPU-Server von Google in der Schweiz. Ein leistungsstarkes CDN, DDoS-Schutz, SSL-Zertifikate und tägliche Backups in der Cloud sind inbegriffen. Für das Kinsta-Hosting berechnen wir monatlich 30 CHF.
Jede gehostete Website von uns erhält Zugang zu unseren Premium WordPress-Plugin-Lizenzen, welche für maximale Sicherheit und Performance sorgen. Die 10 Plugins haben insgesamt einen Lizenzwert von 700 CHF pro Jahr. Als Agentur haben wir Mengenrabatte und können den Plugin-Stack bereits für 25 CHF / Monat anbieten.
Für die laufende Wartung der Website, die wir in monatlichen Zyklen durchführen, um Plugin-Konflikte und Downtime vorab zu vermeiden. Dafür verrechnen wir 100 CHF / Monat.
15 min. Telefon- & E-Mail-Support (1st & 2nd-Level) im Wert von 450 CHF pro Jahr sind jeden Monat inbegriffen.
Die Investition für das gesamte Wartungspaket inkl. Support und Hosting beläuft sich auf 80 CHF / Monat.
What does your web design process look like?
For us, strategy always comes before design. However, if we then reach the design phase, the procedure is as follows:
Based on the user profiles (defined in the strategy phase), we create three different visual mockups of the homepage. The mockups are designed with a focus on user experience, usability and usability.
Based on your wishes and feedback on the mockups, we then create the mockups for the entire website.
After another round of feedback, the final result is approved for approval. As soon as the design concept has been approved, we go into the development phase and implement the design on Wordpress.
In short: all industries
We deliberately did not specialize in one sector, as we find the individual circumstances and challenges of each sector exciting and we won't get bored as a result.
Here you can find a selection of completed website projects.
On request, however, we can present industry-specific projects to you.
We have already successfully completed one or more web design projects in the following industries:
healthcare sector
Crafts & construction sector
Sports & athletics
energy sector
translation services
public sector
Arts & music
How long does it take to develop a web design for an SME?
In principle, we agree on binding deadlines at the start of the web design project, which both parties should comply with. Experience has shown that a web project can be delayed due to long feedback cycles or a lot of time spent creating texts (if the texts are created by the customer).
Experience has shown that small web design projects are completed in 2-3 months. Medium-sized projects usually take 4-6 months and larger projects can take 6-12 months.
Do you create GDPR-compliant data protection declarations?
Yes, we have templates for GDPR-compliant privacy statements, which we provide with every web design project. However, we assume no liability for the legal compliance of the privacy policy. We are not legal experts and have no authority to provide legally binding information. We only offer this service for practical reasons.
Which content management system do you work with?
Our goal is to develop a tailor-made concept that showcases your brand in the best light and effectively appeals to your target group.
To ensure that your website is displayed perfectly on all devices, we use established technologies and platforms such as WordPress.
Quality and vision are particularly important to us in our projects. We want to sustainably raise your company's online presence to a new level. We see our customers as partners and strive for close, long-term cooperation.
Do you offer full service SEO?
In addition to web development and design, we offer comprehensive and ongoing SEO services in the area of online marketing.
Our strategies in the area of SEO (search engine optimization) and usability ensure that your website not only offers an appealing image, but is also easily found in searches on Google and other platforms.
What is the difference between website & website?
The terms “website” and “website” have a different meaning. The differences are explained below:
webpage: The term “website” refers to the entire collection of web pages and related content published and hosted under a single domain. A website can consist of many web pages that are connected to each other via menus and links. It forms the complete online presence of a company, an organization or a person.
website: A web page is a single page within a website. It contains specific content that can stand alone but is part of the larger structure of the website. A web page is often identified by a unique URL within the website's domain.
In German language usage, the terms are often confused with each other. The best way to imagine a website is like a book that consists of many individual pages (web pages), while a web page corresponds to one of these pages in the book.