
Our SEO agency Zug helps SMEs generate more organic traffic and revenue with search engine optimization (SEO).SEO Agentur in Zug. Das bedeutet, wir können besser ranken als andere SEO Agenturen in Basel, obwohl wir dort gar keinen Standort haben. Wir wissen also, wie man SEO macht.

More traffic and revenue




You have the following CHALLENGES?

Hardly any visitors

& inquiries

Your company in Zug has a website, but you hardly get any visitors and inquiries online and the results are simply missing?

Your VISITORS don't buy

Do you have a website and maybe even a few visitors, but only a few buy your products or services and there is no revenue?

no visibility
on Google

While your competition is found in Zug, does your website remain invisible? This is not only annoying, but also costs you money every day, as potential customers end up with the competition.



It is our philosophy to work transparently and based on performance. Firmen in Basel nutzen bereits das Potenzial von Suchmaschinenoptimierung, um mehr Leads zu generieren und mehr Kunden online zu akquirieren.

Durch Top-Platzierungen in den organischen Suchergebnissen (SERPs) kannst auch du deine potenziellen Kunden erreichen. Aktuelle Studien zeigen, dass branchenübergreifend ca. 25-30 % aller Suchanfragen auf das erste Suchergebnis klicken.

Ein zusätzlicher Vorteil von SEO? Wenn SEO dein #1 Marketingkanal ist, dann bist du nicht abhängig von teuren Google Anzeigen, bei denen es nach jedem Tag schwieriger wird eine respektable Klickrate zu erzielen.


Yes, we offer our customers a SEO Agentur Basel kann dich durch effektive SEO dabei unterstützen, deine Marktanteile zu behaupten, auszubauen und dir einen Wettbewerbsvorteil verschaffen.

Viele Unternehmen in Basel sind sich nicht bewusst, welche Keywords ihre Zielkunden verwenden, und das enorme Umsatzpotenzial von Suchmaschinenoptimierung (SEO) wird oft nicht erkannt oder unterschätzt. Unsere SEO Agentur in Basel hilft dir, genau jene Nutzer in Basel und Umgebung zu erreichen, die nach deinen Produkten oder Dienstleistungen suchen. Wir generieren qualitativ hochwertigen Traffic durch gezielte Inhalte und Verlinkungen und unterstützen dich dabei, dein digitales Umsatzpotenzial voll auszuschöpfen.


SEO is an abbreviation for the English term “search engine optimization” or translates as search engine optimization. The term SEO makes it clear that an SEO agency is primarily concerned with website optimization. What exactly needs to be optimized must be determined individually for each website. That is why we always conduct an SEO and web design audit first before providing our services. This enables us to understand the specific requirements of each individual customer. Based on this information, we then suggest the services that we think are most effective to achieve your business goals. SEO is therefore individually tailored to your goals and needs, but can include services such as UI/UX design, conversion rate optimization (CRO), keyword research, on-page optimization, link building, content creation, technical SEO and ongoing performance monitoring. zeigen auf, dass der Return-on-Investment (ROI) bei Suchmaschinenoptimierung wesentlich höher ausfällt, als bei anderen Formen des Marketings.

Dies ist dadurch zu begründen, dass Performance Marketing Methoden wie Google Ads zwar kurzfristig schnellere Erfolge bringen, längerfristig aber sehr zeitaufwendig und kostenintensiv sind. Im Gegensatz dazu bringt SEO zwar kurzfristig wenig bis gar keine Resultate ein, mittel- bis langfristig jedoch stellt es eine kumulative Form des Marketings dar. Das bedeutet, jede SEO-Massnahmen baut auf der vorherigen auf. Hört man irgendwann auf mit jeglichen SEO-Massnahmen, fällt man nicht direkt auf Feld 1 zurück, sondern kann von der Massnahmen der Vergangenheit immer noch profitieren. Dadurch unterscheidet sich SEO wesentlich von Google Ads.


At the beginning, our SEO consultants work with you to define measurable success metrics. Success metrics can include improving your position in search results, increasing organic search traffic (traffic), or improving the conversion rate on your site.Google-Suche ganz oben erscheinen.

Dieser Grundsatz gilt auch für die Region Basel. Wenn deine Zielkunden nach deiner Dienstleistung googeln, dann werden die Anbieter in Betracht gezogen, die bei Google ganz vorn mit dabei sind. Jene Anbieter, die nicht erscheinen oder gar nicht gefunden werden, werden nicht in den Kaufentscheidungsprozess einbezogen.


Social media marketing is unfortunately chronically overestimated due to the presence of a few very successful influencers. Until you have organically built up a sufficiently large audience on social media in the B2B sector to achieve significant sales increases, you have to invest so much time and money that you can achieve your goals much faster through a strategically designed website and marketing through SEO.

Durch zielführende SEO können lokalen Zielgruppen in Basel sowie nationale Suchanfragen bessern beantwortet werden. Zudem wird durch Suchmaschinenoptimierung dein Unternehmen von den Nutzer besser und einfacher auf Google gefunden. Bei der SEO geht es zudem auch um Dinge wie die Optimierung von Ladezeiten, die Strukturierung von Content, sowie die Auswahl und Menge von Bildern. Auch all jene Aspekte tragen indirekt zu einer verbesserten User Experience (UX) bei.

Free initial SEO analysis


Use the knowledge and know-how of our SEO experts in the canton of Zug to strengthen your company's online presence in Zug. From keyword analysis to continuous on-page optimization — our SEO agency Zug ensures that your website always appears at the top of local and national search results on the Internet. Top rankings and increased sales are waiting for you.

As an SEO agency in Zug, we offer our customers comprehensive services: from original SEO analysis, keyword analysis and on-page search engine optimization to link building and content strategies. We use the market-leading SEO tools and make all our optimization decisions based on data.

Our goal is to ensure sustainable sales growth for your company in Zug. We achieve this through an improved online presence and targeted targeting of the website to the needs of your target group — saying: user experience (UX).


In addition to search engine advertising (SEA) and social media marketing, search engine optimization (SEO) is considered one of the most effective methods in digital marketing. Search engine optimization is about aligning the texts and the technical setup of the website in such a way that it is as understandable as possible for the search engine. Basically, SEO is divided into the three main areas of technical SEO, on-page SEO and off-page SEO.
A basic introduction to SEO can be found in our SEO Guide

High ROI from SEO

In contrast to classic performance marketing, which is aimed at the shortest possible results, SEO measures are oriented towards the medium to long term. This means that it often takes 6-12 months until the first results become visible. However, according to several marketing studies, the return on investment (ROI) for SEO is significantly higher compared to SEA.

On the one hand, this is due to the fact that significantly more people click on organic search results than on ads. While 3% click on search ads across industries, around 30% of all users click on the first organic search result. There is therefore a much larger market for organic clicks than for paid clicks.

SEO = cumulative marketing

On the other hand, SEO measures build on each other. If you turn off the money supply at SEA, you'll have 0 additional traffic on your website the next day and it doesn't matter how much time, money and effort you've invested in SEA campaigns beforehand. If you have invested a lot of time in optimizing content, technical aspects of the website or backlinks, it becomes increasingly easier to rank new keywords.



Get data, figures and facts about how much revenue potential your website has and why your competition is better found than you.

Analysis of visitor, inquiry and sales potential
Competitive analysis
Recommendations for action & tips
Analysis is carried out in 48 hours
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If you want to dominate Google rankings locally, then Local SEO is just the right thing for you.


We take care of everything from SEO audit, strategy development to continuous implementation.

WHAT US Distinguishes?

No measurable KPIs
Wir arbeiten bei jedem SEO-Projekt mit messbaren, zeitgebundenen Zielen, damit wir den Erfolg einer SEO-Kampagne messen können.
No guarantee of success
Bei guter Datengrundlage können wir im Full-Service-Bereich Erfolgsgarantien anbieten. Das heisst, wenn die Ziele verfehlt werden, arbeiten wir so lange kostenlos, bis diese erreicht sind.
ROI-based SEO
Wir rechnen vor jedem Projekt aus, ob sich eine Investition in SEO lohnt. Das liegt u.a. auch daran, dass Gründerteam aus einem HSG M.A. und einem Ex-Accenture Consultant besteht und Business Know-how mitbringt.
Taking user guidance into account
Sichtbarkeit alleine reicht nicht aus. Wir denken SEO holistisch und beziehen Aspekte wie UX, Verkaufspsychologie und Design in SEO-Projekte ein.
Free initial SEO analysis


In case you only understand the train station so far and are not at all clear to you what we are actually doing. Here is a more detailed overview of our activities.

As an SEO agency in Zug, we offer comprehensive services: from keyword analyses and on-page search engine optimization to link building and content strategies. Our ultimate goal is sustainable sales growth for your company through more traffic.


What does an SEO agency do? A large part of our work starts with choosing the right keywords. We analyze the search volume of keywords, their difficulty level, and search intent to determine the most relevant keywords for your business. A targeted selection of keywords is important, as this has an impact on both traffic and the conversion rates of your website. When creating the keyword strategy, we try to find a balanced mix of keywords. When creating the strategy, our agency distinguishes between informal, commercial, transactional and navigational keywords.

A basic introduction to SEO can be found in our SEO Guide


Based on the defined Keywords Our agency creates a content strategy, because search engine optimization (SEO) largely also means excessive content marketing.

With the help of software tools, the semantic meaning of the identified keywords is analyzed from Google's perspective and the keywords are grouped or separated according to the results. The next step is to define the structure of the text content of individual pages. The individual keywords are divided into individual pages. The art of content strategy is to correctly connect the right keywords.


High-quality links are decisive for the visibility and authority of your website on search engines like Google. These links are called backlinks. With the help of intelligent software, our SEO agency operates comprehensive SEO analyses. In this way, we screen the backlink profiles of your competitors and discover potential valuable link building opportunities for your website. We are also looking prospectively at which portals or websites would make sense for you to receive a backlink.

You can find a basic introduction to backlinks in our blog articles”What is a backlink?“and”Are backlinks still important in 2023?

A further discussion of the topic surrounding backlinks can be found in our Backlink Guide 2023


In our SEO audit Let's examine the level of technical optimization of your website. This includes aspects such as URL structure, load times, 404 and 4xx errors, or the use of tags such as robots.txt or Canonical. With the help of our specialized software and performance tests, we put your website through its paces and determine the level of technical optimization. Based on the results of the audit, we derive necessary SEO measures.


During a user experience audit, we check the usability of your website. If important buttons are placed in the right place, how clear is the visual hierarchy of your website, how large are the gaps and how is the content made accessible to the user. These aspects are particularly relevant because they significantly influence the conversion rate (the percentage of website visitors that are converted into leads) of your website.


After the keyword research, backlink analysis and technical audit have been completed, we develop a detailed SEO roadmap for the search engine optimization of your website in a joint kick-off session. This master plan determines the chronological sequence of SEO activities and presents them transparently for all parties involved. On the one hand, the master plan is based on the findings of our analysis and takes into account your strategic business goals. On the other hand, in addition to the SEO strategy, this kick-off session also sets specific SEO goals in the form of key performance indicators (KPIs), which define how the success of SEO marketing is actually measured.


Now that we understand how success is measured, we implement the Google Analytics (GA) and Google Search Console (GCS) tracking setup. With tracking setups, we make specific goals measurable, which we use for ongoing SEO analysis. These goals may include clicks on specific buttons, the time spent on a specific page, or other targeted actions on the website. Depending on your goals, we configure the tracking setup on Google Analytics individually to your needs.


Especially for local searches, a Optimizing the Google Business Profile, as Google often displays the so-called Local Pack (Google Maps map with companies nearby) in these searches.

This form of SEO is also known as local SEO. By specifically optimizing your Google Business Profile, you can increase your company's local presence and intercept more local searches.


Our SEO agency offers comprehensive services, including bug fixes (404, 4xx, etc.), URL structure optimization as well as optimization of loading speeds and mobile friendliness. With technical search engine marketing, we ensure that your website works smoothly and is preferred by search engines. Act now and achieve optimal visibility with our agency. Contact us for top-notch technical SEO services and turn your website into a search engine magnet!


Through a ongoing on-page optimization Our SEO agency ensures that all content on your website remains relevant and up to date. In the on-page sector, it is therefore primarily about content marketing. Our ongoing on-page SEO optimizations include optimizing existing pages for specific keywords, as well as analyzing, planning and creating new content, such as blog articles, which ensure that your website is more thematically relevant. We also implement effective internal linking strategies, such as content silos, which provide additional ranking boosts.


Off-page SEO is about the continuous optimization of external factors such as backlinks and social signals in order to sustainably increase your visibility and increase the authority of your website. Based on link building analysis, our SEO agency places strategically valuable backlinks for your website. We also help your website to be more relevant in the search engine via company directories and social media.


As an experienced SEO agency, we offer comprehensive conversion rate optimization (CRO) to maximize the conversion potential of your website. Our approach is focused on understanding the user experience of your website visitors in more depth. In contrast to other SEO agencies, our agency uses advanced analysis tools to gain valuable insights into user behavior. This data enables our SEO agency to develop targeted strategies that are tailored to the specific needs of your target group.

Get Advice from

MORE Happy Customers

Beyondweb has clearly and attractively positioned our company in the market. I see how this pays off every day in sales calls. I felt that working with them was less like a business relationship and more like teamwork.

Foto von Luc Schläger der Lotos AG
Luc Schläger
business development manager, Lotos AG

Our visitor numbers speak for themselves and we get more inquiries from new customers than we would ever have expected. Their work is much more than just a beautiful design, they bring tangible results.

Nico Wacker
Nico Wacker
managing director,
Wacker Service GmbH

Kim and Ato's team have not only impressively implemented our online shop with 2,500 products, but thanks to SEO optimization, our traffic is also 5x higher than it was 6 months ago.

Foto von Markus Macher von der Macher Handel GmbH
Markus Macher
Macher Handel GmbH

Beyondweb has clearly and attractively positioned our company in the market. I see how this pays off every day in sales calls. I felt that working with them was less like a business relationship and more like teamwork.

Foto von Luc Schläger der Lotos AG
Luc Schläger
Business Development Manager, Lotos AG

Our visitor numbers speak for themselves and we get more inquiries from new customers than we would ever have expected. Their work is much more than just a beautiful design, they bring tangible results.

Nico Wacker
Nico Wacker
Managing Director, Wacker Service GmbH

Our visitor numbers speak for themselves and we get more inquiries from new customers than we would ever have expected. Their work is much more than just a beautiful design, they bring tangible results.

Foto von Markus Macher von der Macher Handel GmbH
Markus Macher
Macher Handel GmbH


With the aim of offering individually tailored solutions and maximum customer satisfaction, we are keeping the number of customer projects managed at the same time to a maximum of 10. Due to the high workload, we are currently only able to accept one new customer per month.



SEO is an abbreviation for the English term “search engine optimization” or translates as search engine optimization. The term SEO makes it clear that an SEO agency is primarily concerned with website optimization.

What exactly needs to be optimized must be determined individually for each website. That is why, at our SEO agency in Zug, we always run a free initial SEO analysis through. This enables us to understand the specific requirements of each individual customer and to create a fact-based basis.

Based on this information, we then suggest the services that we think are most effective to achieve your business goals. SEO is therefore individually tailored to your goals and needs, but can include services such as UI/UX design, conversion rate optimization (CRO), keyword research, on-page optimization, link building, content creation, technical SEO and ongoing performance monitoring.


Like many other forms of marketing (e.g. SEA or social media marketing), SEO is also a form of digital marketing. As with any marketing investment, from our point of view, the performance aspect is central.

Whenever possible, we try to guarantee success based on key performance indicators (KPIs) defined at the beginning.

This means that if our SEO agency does not achieve the KPIs set at the start of the project, we will continue working for you at no additional cost until the set goals are achieved.

We can only guarantee SEO success if we can carry out all SEO measures ourselves and without external influences, if there are enough data points available and the competitive situation can be assessed. Especially in competitive industries such as finance or insurance, it would be dubious to guarantee anything, as the development of competition is unpredictable.

In addition, the search engine is currently changing rapidly due to the integration of AI features (Search Generative AI), which makes it even more difficult to promise SEO guarantees.


SEO, or even search engine optimization, is a longer-term process. Basically, it all depends on how strong your competition is and how big the gap between your current level of optimization and the competition is.

However, it usually takes about 4-6 monthsuntil the first improvements are visible in search results. However, the visibility of results depends heavily on the intensity of competition within your industry. Some aspects, such as technical optimizations and local SEO, can take effect after just 2-3 months.


We have one in 2024 Market study on SEO costs published where we examined the prices of 19 SEO agencies in Switzerland. SEO prices depend on your goals, competitors, and the time period you choose.

The pricing structures at our agency in Zug are as follows:SEO Agentur sind folgendermassen:

- SEO consulting: Free
- SEO Audits & Strategies: starting at 2'500 CHF
- Keyword research: starting at 1'500 CHF
- Local SEO: Starting at 1,000 CHF
- Full service SEO: Starting at 2,000 CHF per month
- SEO texts: 500 CHF/text
- Buy backlinks: starting at 1,000 CHF
- SEO workshops: starting at 1'500 CHF

After we know the requirements & goals of your company in more detail, we can provide you with an individual offer. It's best to book in for this non-binding consultation.


At the beginning, our SEO consultants work with you to define measurable success metrics.

Success metrics can include improving your position in search results, increasing organic search traffic (traffic), or improving the conversion rate on your site.


Our online marketing agency works with established SMEs and startups in various industries such as medicine, sports and e-commerce.

You can find a selection of our SEO case studies here.

Interested in working with us?